lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

My favourite bird is a ...

  Los niños y niñas de 3º A, B y C hemos leído en inglés el libro "Birds" y los de 3º C hemos escrito un libro sobre nuestros pájaros favoritos. Esperamos que os guste.

13 comentarios:

  1. My favourite bird is the stork. Luckily there are many in Extremadura.
    Congratulations on the book!

  2. I loved your book. My favourite bird is the bee-eater, by its color. I also really like the storks and cranes

  3. I love the books! The descriptions are excellent and the pictures are wonderful! My favorite bird is hummingbird. -Patricia

  4. Manuel Parejo 6º D12 de enero de 2012, 13:42

    Hello! My favourite bird is the parrot. Congratulatiton for the book!

  5. Aurora Sánchez 6ºD12 de enero de 2012, 13:48

    I love birds! My favourite bird is the sparrow.The book is very nice.

  6. José Vicente 6º D12 de enero de 2012, 13:56

    I love your book!My favourite bird is the vulture.

  7. Yolanda Serván 6º D12 de enero de 2012, 14:01

    My favourite bird is the hummingbird.The book is excellent and the pictures are very good.
    Congratulations for the book¡¡¡

    1. María José (Teacher)12 de enero de 2012, 17:45

      Wonderful birds and excellent job.

    2. María José (Teacher)12 de enero de 2012, 17:57

      Sorry, sorry I wanted to say: A wonderful birds and an excellent job. That,s all.

  8. Congratulations! Hello ,my favorite bird is a parrot .I really like your book. Bye!

  9. José Antonio 6º D19 de enero de 2012, 13:29

    Hello the pictures are very nice.My favorite bird is a nymph

  10. Hello,my favourite bird is a canary.
    Congratulation for the book!

  11. Samuel Sánchez 6º D19 de enero de 2012, 13:43

    Hello,my favorite bird is an eagle.It's a very big birds.Congratulation for de book!


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